
Time for a year-end cleanup: why choose trade-in now?

In 2024, more people turned in their old tablets and laptops for recycling than in 2022, according to figures from the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. In addition to the sustainability benefits, trade-ins can also be financially attractive for businesses. This can be even more appealing during the month of December!

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Company phone: what you need to know

For some employees, a company phone is indispensable. Fortunately, the Belastingdienst takes this into account. Thanks to the work-related costs scheme, the Dutch tax rules for providing and using a business phone have become much simpler. We're happy to explain exactly what these rules entail.

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Budget left? Invest in business hardware now

We are in the final quarter of 2024. You've managed the budget of the organisation efficiently, there's even some left over. What are you going to do with the rest of the budget? Our advice: Buy or lease business hardware before the end of the year. Why? We'll explain that in this article!

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Byndle: “NGU Business is a proactive partner with short lines of communication”

At NGU Business clients can make use of the newest devices, for a fixed amount per month. For leasing hardware, Byndle - formerly known as Computer Lease Nederland - processes the lease contracts correctly. Why does this company enjoy working together with us? Laetitia den Breejen, Partnermanager Financial Solutions at Byndle: "With NGU Business we can act and switch quickly when needed."

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This is how you improve business efficiency with CYOD

Lots of employees receive a business laptop and/or smartphone from their employer. But which devices are best for employers to offer? Which devices are the most comfortable for the employees? The "Choose Your Own Device" concept - shortened CYOD - gives an answer to this question and is also financially interesting for employers. Are you already familiar with it?

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ICT Group: “I don’t know any company that is as flexible as NGU Business”

ICT Group has been a nice partner for us since 2020 already. They are a partner which we'll gladly do something extra for. Why did they knock at the NGU Business door for the purchase of business phones for their colleagues? Eddy Schutten has been working for more than 25 years already at ICT Group, and 15 years as the IT Manager. He talks about our partnership in this article. "NGU Business is always a step ahead of our wishes and needs."

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Waterschap De Dommel: “At NGU Business we always know where we stand”

For more than 4 years already we've been working intensively with Waterschap De Dommel. In 2020 they asked us if we could repair business phones. Since 2023 we have also become their partner by the purchase of business phones. Why are they a client of NGU for many years already? Yvonne van Lier - van Berkel: "If there was any problem, I just had to call."

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Satisfied employee = Better employee

With the NGU platform your employees can make use of the newest smartphones, with (tax) benefits! And all of that without any confusing processes for you.

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New: Plevier bags

Did you purchase laptops for your colleagues? Then don't forget to get a good laptop bag. New in our range, the beautiful, high quality leather business bags from Plevier.

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Learning with courage at SKPO

Eindhoven, 17th July 2023 - Alongside protection, repair and management of mobile devices for SKPO schools, they also look to us for protective working via Worktoolcenter.

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Open day at ASML

Veldhoven / Eindhoven, 24th June 2023 - From the beautiful ASML plaza to the highest point, the 19th floor of the tower building, for a lovely view above Veldhoven.

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Stichting Prodas is happy with a partner such as NGU Business

Eindhoven, 6th June 2023 - NGU Business provides the colleagues of Prodas with repairs of hardware.

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250 Pieces of Microsoft Surface

Eindhoven, 25th May 2023 - We have already repaired more than 250 Microsoft Surface devices in the last 6 months!

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Award ceremony “Festive Season Lottery” at ASML

Owner Burhan Oruc of NGU Business / Repaircenter has awarded the iPhone 14 prize packet to the lucky winners!

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The emergence of NGU Business and Worktoolcenter

From repairing phones to a platform for complete solutions

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Repair of smartphones, tablets and laptops at ASML?

Did you already spot us in the YouTube video of Omroep Brabant?

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iPad for construction?

Lower the damages and the high repair costs! The advice from NGU; choose for extra protection!

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Benefits of the NGU platform for your organisation

When you want to provide all of your employees with the right (mobile) devices so that they can do their work as well as possible, then there is a lot involved. We'll gladly explain how the NGU platform can support you with this.

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The NGU Group is moving

We can proudly bring you up to date with the current news: The NGU Group is moving!

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out-of-the-box complete solutions

The telecom market has seen an incredible growth in the last decade. This goes for devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. Mobile accessibility of employees and company is a necessity for the continued growth of our business clients. NGU Business plays in on these developments and makes sure of a complete out-of-the box solution for companies.

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KnaapenGroep chooses solutions from the NGU Group

Veldhoven, 25th January 2019 - NGU Central Store, a value-added division of the NGU Group with a strong focus on purchasing solutions, enter a strategic partnership with KnaapenGroep from Son.

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